
Baildon Horticultural Society Minutes of the meeting dated 11th March 2024 The Bull’s Head

PRESENT: Louise Mallinson (LM), Jon Roughton (JR), Dawn Tinsley (DT), Richard Nottidge (RN), Charlotte Martin (CM), Dale Holgate (DH), Robin Weedon (RW), Peter Laws (PL), Mike Webster (MW), Neal Parry (NP) and Claire Bray (CB).


  1. Apologies for absence:
    Sharon Burrows (SB)


  1. Chairs opening remarks:
    The Chairs welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  2. Actions from previous meetings:
  3. ‘Meet the Committee’ website page updates

SB, PL, MW and DH to email their intro copy to RW.
RW to bring camera to a future meeting so photographs can be added/updated.

  1. Thompson Lane Back Boundary (RN)
    The funding has been approved for this work. It will be split over two financial years. Splitting the work over two financial years allows some money to be kept in the reserve fund in case of any emergency repairs at the allotment sites.

    April/May 2024 is the estimated project start date for the worst affected parts of the fence. 2025 dates for completion of the work to be confirmed. The fence will be 1.8 metres high. Gardenscape (who completed the work on the front fence at Thompson Lane) have been awarded the work.

    Contractors will take the old fence out and BHS can weigh it in for scrap, funds to go back into BHS account.

    LM thanked RN for attending the Town Council meeting and for all of the work that has gone into securing the funding for this project.

  • Volunteers for TL working group – site clearance/preparation (LM/RN)
    Email to be sent to TL plot holders requesting help with clearing the site ready for phase 1 of the boundary fence work. To be sent once a start date has been confirmed.

  1. Health & Safety site visits and report template update (PL/JR/CM)
    Visits have been completed. Communal areas to be kept tidy and safe by BHS. Individual plot holders are responsible for safety within their own plots.

    It has been noted that there may be some rundown and now unsafe sheds on the Charlestown site. This will be looked at. If required, letters will be sent to plot holders requesting that structures are improved otherwise they will be removed.

  2. Charlestown Allotments entrance area (PL/JR)
    Additional safety and information signs around the car park and shop area of the Charlestown site will be installed in the next couple of weeks.

    JR and PL looking at the possibility of installing reflector stickers on the gate posts at the entrance to the site to help make it more visible for drivers.

    Following the email JR sent regarding the requirements of closing/locking the main gate to the site, a big improvement has been seen.

  3. Member’s issues:



  1. Reports:

Allotment officers:

Charlestown: CM reported 4 on the waiting list and 3 current tenants waiting for full plots.

Thompson Lane:
LM reported 3 on the waiting list. 2 allotments ready to lease out with potential plot holders being shown around at the weekend (16th/17th March).


February financial summary spreadsheet shared with the committee.


Nothing to report.


Health and Safety:
Nothing to report.


Show Secretary:
Show planning progressing and going well. Sponsors of the show are all booked. Class sponsors booking ongoing.


Membership Secretary:
Nothing to report.


  1. Any other business:

  2. Thompson Lane Boundary fence with Baildon Glen Primary School
    LM and MW met with the headteacher of Baildon Glen Primary School to discuss the fence between the allotment site and the school. Discussed Health and Safety and the need for this to be a secure boundary. The headteacher has agreed to manage the improvement and maintenance. Work to be completed in the school summer holidays.

  3. Baildon Telephone Boxes (RW)
    The phone boxes outside Station Road Post Office and The Junction Pub had a budget allocated to them for the initial improvement project. The full amount was not spent. Is the remaining budget available and is there a budget for upkeep?
    Action: RW to contact John Turner for more information.


  • Charlestown small holder plot
    A smallholder plot had become available at the Charlestown site and, as there were no names on the waiting list, the Charlestown team had agreed that a plot holder who had come forward first could have it. A second plot holder then asked if they could take over the plot as their existing one adjoined the vacant plot. When they were told it had already been promised, the complainant wrote to LM and asked for an appeal as they were unhappy with how the situation had been handled.

    Due to the unfounded accusations made in the appeal against Charlestown committee members, JR requested the appeal be dealt with by Thompson Lane.

LM and MW made a site visit so that an impartial decision could be made and it was agreed that the second plot holder should be offered it as it was adjoining their existing plot. The second plot holder was therefore offered the plot with the usual six month probation period put in place.

LM advised the committee of their decision and it was agreed that the complainants appeal be forwarded to the committee as requested.

Keys for small holding plots
LM and MW to check they have codes/keys for all small holding plots at Thompson Lane.
Action: CM and JR to check they have codes/keys for all small holding plots at Charlestown.

Date of the next meeting is 7pm Monday 8th April at The Bull’s Head.